Steps to design a Curriculum
Design a Curriculum: The term curriculum comes from the Latin currier, which means "to run" or "proceed" and refers to the experiences that shape children as they grow to mature adults. The term curriculum refers to the academic content or syllabus and lessons taught in a school or educational institution or in a specific course or program . Step 1 Begin the design process by establishing our curriculum principles. The first step of curriculum principles should reflect our school’s values, context, pedagogical approaches, and needs. We should be able to explain the purpose or intent of our curriculum. Step 2 After clarifying our principles and purpose, we should set out your pupil entitlement. The pupil entitlement should explain how we intend to enrich the curriculum with educational visits, extracurricular activities and specific experiences. Step 3 We will need to arrange our curriculum content into a range of engaging themes and p...